A Pizza for Me!
I was finally able to enjoy a pizza made especially for my diet, and I must say that it's not that bad at all. In fact, It's actually quite good.
So for those craving for pizza but must stick to a low-fat, low-salt, no-meat diet, below is my version.
All these ingredients may be sourced from an above-average supermarket. When shopping, please take some time to read the nutritional information at the label and make sure that the fat and sodium levels are low. Also, remember to check the serving size. A product may have very low amounts of fat or salt per serving, but if you need at least three packets then it's useless. For your toppings, it's better if you can get these fresh rather than in a can.
A couple of notes on the Del Monte Classic Pizza Sauce: 1. You're probably better off using their Tomato Paste than this one because of the sodium content if you really want to stay away from salt. I just chose the pizza sauce because I want more flavor to my pizza and the salt level is OK. 2. Use the Classic style rather than the Sweet Style sauce. The salt content difference between the two is pretty significant.
Now when you have all these ingredients, all you have to do is spread the pizza sauce on the pizza crust and put all the toppings. When you're cool with it, pop it in your oven toaster for about four to five minutes and you're ready!
You may notice that I didn't use cheese. Well, that's because it's either high in fat or high in salt. Not worth it.